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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Project duration 04/2020 – 03/2026

WieSeL – Knowledge, Application, Promotion: Self-Regulation Competence of Teachers

The WieSeL project deals with the self-regulatory competence of primary school teachers. The focus is on identifying which aspects of teacher competence support primary school teachers’ promotion of self-regulation of learning among their students and how teachers adapt their self-regulation support to the conditions of the learning group. We also examine how teachers themselves learn about self-regulation.

Project description

The aim of the WieSeL project is to identify which aspects of professional competence of elementary school teachers promote self-regulation in learning and how teachers can be supported in developing these competences. We examine teachers' beliefs, their self-efficacy expectations for promoting self-regulation in the classroom, teachers' own self-regulation, and knowledge about self-regulation.

Umrisse eines Wiesels mit dem Schriftzug "WieSeL. Wissen, einsetzen, fördern - Selbstregulationskompetenz von Lehrkäften"

Based on empirical findings, we assume that teachers first need knowledge about what self-regulated learning and teaching is in order to be able to proceed self-regulated and to effectively promote the self-regulation of their students in the classroom.

The first WieSeL study investigates the role of teachers' knowledge about self-regulation in promoting self-regulation in the classroom.

In order for teachers to become self-regulated learners and teachers themselves, they must have a repertoire of strategies for regulating their own learning and teaching. In our second study, we develop and evaluate an instructional video intervention that we will use to promote student teachers' self-regulation.

Lead researcher at IFS

Project team

Further information