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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Successful habilitation lecture by Dr. Sittipan Yotyodying

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Dr. Sittipan Yotyodying vor seiner Präsentation nach erfolgreichen Vortrag © IFS​/​TU Dortmund
As part of his habilitation process, Dr. Sittipan Yotyodying successfully gave his scientific lecture on digital transformation.

Dr. Sittipan Yotyodying successfully gave his academic lecture on the topic of “Digital transformation and its psychological implications for learning processes” as part of his habilitation procedure. He wrote his cumulative habilitation thesis on “Cultivating Potential: Exploring Predictors of Students’ Academic Success through Parental Involvement and ICT Use in Teaching and Learning”. After completing the habilitation procedure with the inaugural lecture, he will be awarded the Venia Legendi for the subject “Educational Psychology” – the IFS congratulates him warmly!