Ganz In II – More Future with All-Day Schooling, the new All-Day School NRW
The project focus is on the development of instruction in a selected subject and a subject-specific theme in one of 29 Ganz In schools, itensifying and continuing the sucessful work over the last many years. Support for the transfer process within and between schools has been increased and tranfers to other schools has been made possible.

Own funds of Universität Duisburg-Essen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum and TU Dortmund
Project description
With the aim of reducing socially determined educational inequalities, strengthening educational potential, and to promote school development processes, the first phase of "Ganz In" supported 30 schools from NRW with the transition from half-day to full-day school systems. Developmental trajectories were tested, conditions necessary for success identified, and the quality of teaching raised through subject related instructional frameworks. In the second phase the focus is on the development of instruction in school-selected areas of priority through theory-to-practice application.

The project promotes advisory and knowledge-exchange networks that support subject specific training and practical application. To further this aim, different types of exercises and methods are planned (eg. advisory and exchange networks). Areas of content include the selection of at least one main subject (German, English, mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics) and one extended theme (Self-regulated learning, working with parents, individual support, continual language education, transition GS-GY). In addition to human and material resources, data for school and instruction development is also provided.
The accompanying research takes a comprehensive approach researching areas of development, knowledge transfer and its effects on organization, personnel and instruction, as well as product development. The research consists of the education monitoring focused on the school environment, participation, instruction quality and central aspects of the full-time schedule. Also included in the accompanying research are school development reports used to document the educational development and resulting products. Qualitative and quantitative methods are used to evaluate the didactic interventions and extended themes. Expected results of the project are strong learning and organizational designs for all-day schooling and the further development of instruction taking into account the opportunities and challenges of all-day schooling in terms of a professional, methodological, and support orientated approach.
Lead researcher at IFS
Project management
- Dr. Hanna Pfänder
Project team
- Dr. Katharina Sartory
- Prof. Dr. Heinz Günter Holtappels (IFS)
- Prof. Dr. Beutel (IADS)
- Prof. Dr. Hußmann (IEEM)
External project partners
- Prof. Dr. Ritter (Englisches Seminar)
- Prof. Dr. Wirth (Institut für Pädagogik)
- Prof. Dr. Bremerich-Vos (Institut für Germanistik)
- Prof. Dr. Fischer (Didaktik der Physik)
- Prof. Dr. Leutner (Lehrstuhl für Lehr-Lernpsychologie)
- Prof. Dr. Sandmann, Prof. Dr. Schmiemann (Fakultät für Biologie)
- Prof. Dr. Sumfleth (Lehrstuhl für Didaktik der Chemie)
- Prof. Dr. Stefanie van Ophuysen