Test-theory based Continuing Development of the Studiport – Online Math Test – Project I
The Studiport-Math test aims to assess incoming university students’ mathematical competences. Test-M will provide a test-theory based analysis for the Studiport-Math assessment test, which will allow for further development and evaluation of the test.

Project description

The "WINT-Check" in Studiport (www.studiport.de) is an instrument for testing prior mathematical knowledge that is considered relevant for successful studies in the fields of economics, computer science, natural sciences and technology (WINT degree programmes). Thus, the test is aimed at first-year students in the WINT field who want to test their basic knowledge relevant to their studies. Two online courses in the Studiport also offer the possibility to close possible identified knowledge gaps and to deepen existing knowledge. The WINT Check includes 12 subscales in various mathematical areas (e.g. functions, geometry, differential calculus).
The aim of the project is the further development and test-theoretical foundation of the WINT Check. To this end, quantitative and qualitative analyses of already existing data from the Studiport will first be carried out and, in cooperation with the external project partners, a further and new development of test items will be undertaken. Based on the further developed test, a multi-matrix design will then be developed for the main study, in which about 3000 students from different WINT study programmes will be tested in a paper-and-pencil format.
Various criteria within and outside the test situation will be used to validate the test (e.g. Abitur grade, gender, motivation to study, previous academic performance). Additional process data, which are recorded several times in the test situation (e.g. perceived cognitive activation, perceived relevance of the content, perceived difficulty), should provide further indications of the underlying causes of varying completion frequencies of the individual subscales (e.g. too high or low level of demand, lack of motivation for self-testing). Finally, an online version of the further developed WINT check will be tested on the basis of thinking-sound protocols in order to diagnose and eliminate possible implementation difficulties.
Lead researcher at IFS
External project partners
- Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johanna Heitzer (RTHW Aachen Universität, Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet Didaktik der Mathematik)
- Frank Wistuba (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft - Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft)