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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Digital meeting program – June 23rd, 2022

7th Dort­mund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research „Evaluation of the Education System: What Insights Do Current School Per­for­mance Studies Provide?“

Publication volume of the con­fe­rence

Cover des Herausgeberwerks 7. Dort­mun­der Symposium der Empirischen Bil­dungs­for­schung: „Evaluation des Bildungssystems – Welche Erkenntnisse liefern aktuelle Schulleistungsstudien?“ © Waxmann

The seventh volume in the series "Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research" is dedicated to (international) school performance studies and how their results can be used to optimise educational systems. Recording the performance and motivational orientations of learners as well as the institutional framework conditions of school teaching and learning provides a wealth of data that enables (international) comparisons between education systems and trend analyses in particular. The resulting opportunities for the further development of educational systems are examined and discussed in this volume from various disciplines of empirical educational research.

Further information


Time Program

Opening of the con­fe­rence

Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany (Executive Director of the IFS)

Welcoming speech

Prof. Dr. Norbert Zmyj (Prodean Structure and Finances Faculty of Education, Psychology and Educational Research)

Plenary lecture: „Evaluation of the education system: What insights do current school performance studies provide?

Prof. Dr. Ludger Wößmann (ifo Center for the Economics of Education)

Brief commentaries from the perspectives of psychology, sociology and teaching methodology
Prof. Dr. Andreas Frey (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Prof. Dr. Corinna Kleinert (Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories)
Prof. Dr. Knut Neumann (Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education)

and plenary discussion

Lunch break and virtual poster exhibition by junior researchers


Poster award

donated by Waxmann Publishing Co.

Spotlights by junior researchers

Dr. Alyssa Grecu (IFS, TU Dortmund)
with commentaries by Prof. Dr. Markus Gebhardt (University Regensburg) and Prof. Dr. Sandra Aßmann (Ruhr-University Bochum)

Dr. Ulrich Ludewig (IFS, TU Dortmund)
with commentaries by Prof. Dr. Uta Klusmann (Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education) and Prof. Dr. Stephan Hußmann (TU Dortmund University)

Hot Topic Study:
„PIRLS 2021 - Progress In Reading Literacy Study

Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany (Executive Director of the IFS)

and plenary discussion

15:00 Coffee break

Topic statement: „What requirements must LSA fulfill in the future so that the results can be used to optimize educational processes in schools?

Prof. Dr. Doris Lewalter (TU Munich, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology)

and plenary discussion


Controversial Statements: „Advantages and disadvantages of cross-sectional and longitudinal LSAs”

Focus longitudinal studies Prof. Dr. Michael Becker (TU Dortmund University)
Focus cross-sectional studies Dr. Dirk Hastedt (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement)

and plenary discussion


Ask the Expert” and Podium with all Con­fe­rence Experts


Closing Ceremony