Conclusion of the IFS Lecture series on July 6 with Professor Hilde van Keer
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For the last lecture in the IFS Lecture series "Orientation towards the average was yesterday: What empirical educational research says about teaching children with heterogeneous learning conditions" on July 6, we welcome Professor Hilde van Keer, research director of the research group 'Language, Learning, Innovation' within the Faculty of Education at Ghent University. In her lecture on "All aboard?! The challenge of differentiation or individualization for diverse learners: reflections from the field of reading", she will provide insights into the challenges of differentiating and individualizing learners with diverse backgrounds. We look forward to the discussion that will follow.
Students and staff of TU Dortmund University are cordially invited to this lecture, which will start in room 022 of the CDI building on July 6 at 2:15 pm.