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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Conclusion of the LeseDif project

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Orangerotes, aufgeschlagenes Buch und roter Schriftzug des Projektnamens LeseDif Please provide a copyright notice

From September 2016 to December 2019, the DFG-funded project LeseDif examined reading skills of elementary school children in the context of social heterogeneity. The meaning of student and instructional aspects for the reading performance of  fourth-grade pupils were analyzed on the basis of data from the German sample from PIRLS 2006. The research team put special emphasis on the effects on reading performance of children from families with low socio-economic status and children with a migration background. It was shown, for example, that the medium socioeconomic status was in a positive, the proportion of children with a migration background in a negative connection with medium literacy. In addition, various teaching measures, which can be assigned to the teaching quality dimension of cognitive activation, were positively related to reading literacy. The effects of the composition of the class on reading skills were not conveyed by the measure of cognitive activation. On the one hand, the results of the study contribute to the knowledge gained about the condition factors of reading on the part of pupils and teaching, while on the other hand, they also offer possible starting points for school support in reading-related teaching and targeted interventions for educational practice.