IFS at AEPF 2024 in Osnabrück

The thematic focus of this year's conference of the Working Group for Empirical Pedagogical Research (AEPF) was on "Knowledge transfer between educational research, educational practice and teacher training". IFS researchers Laura Becher and Dr Alyssa Grecu were on site in Osnabrück on 11 September 2024 with their contributions.
In her presentation "From school to the classroom? - Analyses of teaching quality using a national panel", Laura Becher presented her research on school effectiveness based on a five-year panel study, which examines the change in teaching quality in German lessons from 2016 to 2021. She also analysed how changes in school factors such as school climate, cooperation and resources influence the quality of teaching.
Dr. Alyssa Grecu highlighted the topic "Facets of school alienation: An analysis of heterogeneous attitudes of learners in German secondary schools" in her contribution. The phenomenon of school alienation, which includes negative attitudes towards learning, teachers and classmates of students, was examined due to its influence on competence development and educational success. Based on data from 152 students, various alienation profiles were identified and their relationship with individual characteristics such as gender and social and ethnic background was analysed.
Thank you for the exciting exchange!