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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

IFS is represented with numerous contributions at the DGPs Congress

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Foto einer Konferenz mit Vortragenden unscharf im Hintergrund ©​/​kasto

From September 16–19, researchers from all over the world will come to Vienna for the DGPs Congress – IFS is looking forward to the exchange.

We are delighted that numerous IFS researchers are travelling to Vienna for the 53rd DGPs Congress on the topic of "Humans, Environment, Media". The congress of the German Society for Psychology (DGPs) is being organised jointly with the 15th Conference of the Austrian Society for Psychology (ÖGP).

The IFS will be represented with a total of six contributions. On Monday September 16, there will be a hybrid symposium by Ruben Kleinkorres and co-author Justine Stang-Rabrig on the topic of "Well-being of different actors in the school context". Carina Schreiber will also speak on Monday about the development of personality and intercultural competences of students abroad. Sira Neuhaus' lecture on Tuesday, September 17, will shed light on the relevance of ethnic discrimination for the competence level of pupils with a migration background. On Wednesday, September 18, Professor Birgit Heppt will give a lecture on the connection between discriminatory school climate and teaching quality. On the last day of the conference, Thursday September 19, Olena Kryshko will speak about motivational self-regulation in learning and Elisabeth Graf about emotions in political education.

We wish all participants a successful conference and look forward to the upcoming exchange!