IFS Lecture Series "Orientation to the average was yesterday: What empirical educational research has to say about teaching children with heterogeneous learning condition"
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This summer semester, the IFS lecture series is dedicated to the topic "Orientation to the average was yesterday: What empirical educational research has to say about teaching children with heterogeneous learning conditions". Each week, renowned speakers are invited to present their research work and projects in plenary sessions and to discuss them afterwards. The lecture series places great emphasis on multidisciplinarity, which is also reflected in the composition of the lectures; the topics range from reading promotion and self-regulated learning to social and emotional learning in schools.
We are pleased to welcome Junior Professor Hanna Beißert from the DIPF to kick off the IFS Lecture Series on April 13, starting at 2:15 pm. Her lecture will deal with "Giftedness, talent development and gender - on the role of socialization and role expectations". Students and employees of TU Dortmund University are cordially invited to attend this lecture; it will take place purely digitally. The other presentations from the series are always thursdays from 14:15 to 15:45 in room 022 of the CDI building. We are looking forward to your participation!