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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

IFS on Deutschlandfunk Campus & Karriere on the topic of "grade retention”

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Zwei blaue Kästen mit weißen Linien und dem weißen Schriftzug Deutschlandfunk © Deutschlandfunk

Is repeating a school year a chance for students or is it rather a waste of time? Dr. Paul Fabian, who has dedicated his dissertation to the topic of "grade retention", spoke to Deutschlandfunk about this in the context of the program Campus & Karriere. He emphasized two things in particular: On the one hand, based on a small amount of data, it is not yet possible to clearly say to what extent children benefit from being kept in school. Secondly, studies have shown that children with a migration background in particular, and here primarily boys, have a significantly higher risk of repeating a grade.

Further information (in German)