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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

New research video: Error climate in elementary school and its impact

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Screenshot von Dr. Alyssa Grecu mit einer Filmklappe und dem TU Dortmund Logo © YouTube
In her video, Dr. Alyssa Grecu examines how the climate of error in primary school influences relationships with teachers and learning.

We are pleased to present a new research video by Dr. Alyssa Grecu! In “Insights into the Role of Error Climate in Primary School Classrooms”, she sheds light on the importance of error climate and its influence on students' relationships with teachers. In the study, Dr. Alyssa Grecu and her colleagues Dr. Gabriele Steuer from Bielefeld University and Julia Mori from the University of Bern investigate the connection between the perception of the climate of error and teacher alienation.

The study shows how the handling of errors in the classroom influences the quality of learning and what effects a negative error climate has on motivation and commitment. A positive error climate correlates significantly with less alienation from teachers.

For more information: Video clip on YouTube