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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Project DIVE: Online survey on attitudes launched

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Online survey launched for adults aged 18 and over in the DIVE project to measure implicit and explicit diversity-related attitudes

In the DIVE project, we are investigating how diversity-related rather unconscious and conscious attitudes towards “gender”, “migration background”, “religion”, “sexual orientation”, “occupational groups”, and “socio-economic status” are characterized in different age groups.

In addition to word matching tasks, in which different words or images have to be quickly sorted into different categories, questions are also asked about attitudes, behavior, and you. The survey takes 45 to 50 minutes to complete, is pseudonymized, and voluntary.
As a thank you for taking part, 15 vouchers worth 15 euros each ( will be raffled off. To take part in the prize draw, you must complete the survey in full, give your consent to take part in the competition at the end of the survey and provide a valid email address. Email addresses will be drawn at random from all the email addresses provided at the end of the survey (probably January 2025).

To take part in the survey, you will need an internet-enabled PC or laptop with a keyboard.

Click here for the survey:

Thank you for your support!