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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

PIRLS 2021 started

  • News
  • Projects
Grauer und türkiser Bogen mit darunterliegenden türkis-grauen Schriftzug des Projektnamens IGLU 2021 Internationale Grundschul-Lese-Untersuchung Please provide a copyright notice

In March, the fifth cycle of the Progress in International Reading Study (short: PIRLS/IGLU) started. A scientific consortium led by Professor Nele McElvany carries out this study, which is funded by BMBF and KMK. The focus goal and aim of PIRLS 2021 is to examine the reading competence of fourth graders based on a national representative sample with an international comparison. Reading competence will also be assessed digitally for the first time in 2021. We are looking forward to an exciting and challenging research work!

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