Successful workshop: Introduction to large-scale assessments with R
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Last Thursday, the workshop on Introduction to Large-Scale Assessments and Data Analysis with R, led by Dr. Ulrich Ludewig, was held and attracted great interest. The workshop was divided into two parts, providing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
In the first part, participants were given a comprehensive introduction to key concepts such as sample design, jackknife resampling, weighting options and plausible values. These fundamentals are crucial for understanding data analysis in this field.
The second part focused on practical application in R. Participants went through analysis flows from reading in data to creating tables and visualizations. Typical education reporting formats and multi-group analyses were also covered. A particular focus was placed on analyses across different survey dates and countries, supported by useful R packages such as BIFIEsurvey, dplyr, purrr and ggplot2.
Overall, the workshop provided a valuable opportunity for all interested parties to engage intensively with large-scale data analysis. We would like to thank all participants for their commitment and look forward to future events!