Tuesdays for Education 05.11.2024 – Reading literacy condition factors
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The successful Tuesdays for Education (TfE) event format starts on November 5, 2024 with the topic “How relevant are different individual and social factors for children's reading literacy? How well can elementary schools compensate for different starting conditions in an international comparison?” in the 2nd cycle 2024/25. The event deals with the question of how relevant different cognitive, motivational, and social influencing factors are for reading literacy and examines whether their significance differs for different groups of pupils. In the second part, the question of the extent to which primary schools in different European countries are able to equalize different starting conditions of students in terms of reading literacy up to the fourth grade will be examined. It will discuss how education systems can respond effectively to the different needs of children. Professor Frank Niklas from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, where he holds the Chair of Educational Psychology and Family Research, will be our guest.
The webinar is aimed at multipliers from educational practice, educational administration, educational policy and the media landscape and takes place once a quarter.
After the input presentation and contextualization by the guest, we look forward to a joint exchange with all participants. Via the chat or by speaking up, there is the opportunity to make valuations, ask questions or make suggestions.
Here you can find further program information and register for the free of charge event on 05.11.2024 at 15:30.