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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Leonie Dargiewicz

Main research topics

  • Strengthening educational opportunities
  • Language promotion and language development
  • Use of digital media to strengthen competencies

Office hours

by appointment

Academic background

  • Since 2022: Doctoral student at the IFS
  • 2022: M.A. Educational Science, TU Dortmund University
  • 2020: B.A. Educational Science, TU Dortmund University

Professional background

  • Currently working in project Shaping linguistic education together with elementary schools, families, and educational professionals: What works?
  • Since 10/2022: research assistant in teams McElvany and Lauermann at the IFS

Further Information

Current Projects: 

  • Shaping linguistic education together with elementary schools, families, and educational professionals: What works? (SPEAK), project duration: 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2026
  • Dargiewicz, L., Wehrhöfer, S., Ohle-Peters, A., Lauermann, F. & McElvany, N. (2025, 27. Januar). Wirksamkeit von Wortschatzinterventionen bei Kindern at risk: Eine Meta-Analyse. In L. Dargiewicz, S. Wehrhöfer & A. Ohle-Peters (Chairs), Gestaltung und Wirksamkeit früher Sprachförderinterventionen [Symposium]. 12. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF), Mannheim.