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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

DGPs co-operation on changing perspectives in intervention research

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Drei Forscherinnen sitzen an einem Tisch, im Hintergrund ein Bildschirm mit einer Präsentation mit dem Titel "Austausch" © IFS​/​TU Dortmund
From 19-21 February 2025, researchers met in Kiel to discuss school-based interventions to foster teacher wellbeing.

From 19 to 21 February 2025, Dr. Justine Stang-Rabrig (IFS, TU Dortmund University), Dr. Josina Schriek (HU Berlin) and Dr. Gyde Wartenberg (HU Berlin) met in Kiel as part of the DGPs cooperation project to further advance the research synthesis on the effectiveness of school-based interventions to foster the professional well-being of teachers and to expand the cooperation.

An important part of the meeting was the planning of national and international conference contributions at which the research synthesis is to be presented. In addition, the pre-registration of the planned publication and the further procedure were prepared and perspectives for the time after the end of the cooperation project were discussed.

The meeting was rounded off by an exchange with guest speaker Prof. Dr. Uta Klusmann (HU Berlin) as well as her substantive input and valuable feedback on the project planning and work to date.

We look forward to the next steps in the collaboration and are excited to see the results of the research!