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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Evaluation of intensive support: chances for disadvantaged children

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Projektvorstellung mit interessierten Lehrkräften und Dr. Ulrich Ludewig am Seminartisch © IFS​/​TU Dortmund
The project “Klasse! – Eval” examines the targeted support of disadvantaged children at GGS Sandstraße in Duisburg.

Dr. Ulrich Ludewig presented the scientific evaluation project on intensive support by the Roland Berger Foundation at the Sandstraße elementary school in Duisburg. The study examines how severely disadvantaged children develop in the first years of primary school when they receive targeted additional support.

To this end, language and mathematical skills, well-being, emotions, motivation, social behavior and motor skills are regularly recorded. In addition, transitions between grades, days of absence and transfers to secondary schools are analyzed. The results should show which measures are particularly effective in improving the children's educational opportunities. In the long term, the findings should help other schools in similarly challenging social situations to develop targeted support concepts and reduce educational inequalities.

You can find more information about the project on the website at: Project website “Klasse! – Eval”