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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

IFS on World Day for Digital Learning Day on 19 March

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Projektlogos SPEAK und Lese:Kids auf der linken Seite und ein aufgeschlagenes Buch, welches an einem Laptop angelehnt ist auf der anderen Seite © iStock​/​Bet_Noire
Unesco International Day for Digital Learning
World Day for Digital Learning - Discover our SPEAK and LeseKI:DS projects with digital solutions to promote competencies.

To mark the World Day for Digital Learning, which was launched by UNESCO, we are drawing attention to two projects at the IFS that are focussing on innovative approaches to digital education. Both projects contribute to the aim of the day of action to promote digital participation in society.

The aim of the BMBF-funded project ‘Shaping linguistic education together with elementary schools, families, and educational professionals: What works?’ (SPEAK) is the development, evaluation and distribution of digitally supported language support at the start of elementary school. By systematically taking into account family and school conditions and by interlinking different learning locations – lessons, all-day educational programmes, family – the aim is to enable support in the areas of vocabulary and grammar that can be integrated into the everyday lives of primary school children.

Further information on the SPEAK project: Project website

The project “Promoting reading skills through artificial intelligence and digital stories” (LeseKI:DS), a cooperation between the IFS, Goethe University Frankfurt and the Vodafone Foundation, aims to improve students' reading skills through a reading training programme using AI-generated texts. As part of the project, students go through the reading training programme with evidence-based components to promote reading, but can determine the content of the texts themselves. Part of the project is a randomised control group study to investigate the effectiveness of the programme.

Further information on the LeseKI:DS project: Project website

The IFS is pleased to actively contribute to the goals of the World Day for Digital Learning with these projects. Through innovative digital approaches such as SPEAK and LeseKI:DS, we want to make a significant contribution to supporting children in their linguistic and reading development.