UA Ruhr-funded Civic Education Research Lab starts in October
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The newly established Civic Education Research Lab (CERL) is funded by the College for Social Science and Humanities of the UA Ruhr for a period of 18 months and will focus on questions of political education and socialization processes. Elisabeth Graf and Pascal Alscher (both TU Dortmund University) and Daniel Deimel (University of Duisburg-Essen), are pursuing the goal of conducting high-quality research on the prerequisites and characteristics of successful civic education with CERL. The three postdocs aim to utilize their expertise on existing projects on civic education (ICCS, EPKO), longitudinal educational studies (National Educational Panel Study NEPS) and application of data science methods in the social sciences (FAIR).
CERL offers a series of events to connect and foster national and international researchers working on civic education and socialization. This will include (a guest lecture by an international expert, a workshop to exchange about projects on civic education and learn innovative methods for secondary data analysis, and a digital joint symposium at a scientific conference.
In addition, CERL will address important research questions using innovative methods, publish them in high-impact journals and present them at an educational science conference.
Interested scholars who would like to join events, keep up to date on planned activities or just get connected with CERL can register for the newsletter: