Book launch on “Cross-national achievement surveys for monitoring educational outcomes. Policies, practices and political reforms within the European Union”
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The volume on “Cross-national achievement surveys for monitoring educational outcomes. Policies, practices and political reforms within the European Union” in which Nele McElvany contributed a chapter on “Cross-National Achievement Surveys and Educational Monitoring in Germany” was launched by DG EAC (Directorate-General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture) and JRA (Joint Research Centre) together on 9 June 2022. The event enabled the contributors to disseminate the book among policy makers The volume investigates the impact of educational achievement surveys on European monitoring, evaluation of education outcomes and policy formulation and while focusing on 10 European countries, it highlights that monitoring results are differently observed, interpreted and considered as policy relevant in varying country contexts. During the book launch, Nele McElvany emphasized that in Germany, international achievement surveys play a major role in educational monitoring and are closely linked to national measures informing education policy development and reform.