Dissertation successfully defended
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Congratulations to Ruben Kleinkorres, PhD student in the McElvany AG, who on June 20 successfully defended his dissertation on "Students' Well-Being in the Late Elementary and Early Secondary School Years: Investigation of Conditional Factors Using Large-Scale Assessment Studies" successfully defended. The thesis was written during his work as a research assistant in the Progress In Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK). In his dissertation in the field of psychology, he focuses on the well-being of students and which factors in the school environment are related to it. For example, the correlations between various key well-being components, such as emotional well-being, and students' performance or the autonomy support they perceive from their teachers are investigated. The results indicate on the one hand the importance of meeting students' basic needs to increase well-being but on the other hand also the importance of well-being for school-related outcomes such as academic achievement. Congratulations on this achievement!