Extension: CfP 9th Dortmund Symposium for Early Career Researchers on 03.07.2024
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As part of the 9th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research on the topic "Socio-emotional and cognitive development in learning: educational goals in competition?!", the early career researchers' conference will take place on July 3, 2024 from 3 pm. Selected doctoral students will have the opportunity to present their research work in a moderated poster presentation in about three minutes and then discuss it with the plenum.
The doctoral students' poster contributions will be exhibited at the main conference on July 4, 2024. Participants will have the opportunity to talk to the early career researchers in the poster gallery and vote for the best poster. A poster prize of 200 euros, donated by Waxmann Verlag, will be awarded. Contributions can be submitted until 15.05.2024.
Further information on the general conditions can be found on our website.