IFS Lecture Series on April 21 features Assoc. Professor Hildegunn Støle
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On April 21, starting at 2:15 p.m., we welcome Hildegunn Støle, Professor at the University of Stavanger in Norway, to the IFS Lecture Series “What's new in educational research? Multidisciplinary perspectives on research projects in empirical educational research”. She is an expert in international educational studies and reading literacy. Her lecture will deal with “Computer-based reading tests in empirical educational research”. Thomas Brüggemann will then report on the project LL-digital, which focuses on the differences between paper-based and computer-based reading in the fourth grade. We are looking forward to a lively participation and discussion!
Students and employees of TU Dortmund University are cordially invited to this lecture series, which will take place in room 022 of the CDI building.