IFS Lecture Series with Professor Jan Germen Janmaat
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This week, Professor Jan Germen Janmaat was a guest in the IFS Lecture Series “What's new in Educational Research? Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Research Projects in Empirical Educational Research”. The topic of the session was the importance of school and home in the political socialization of young people. In his presentation, Jan Germen Janmaat showed that young people from educationally disadvantaged families tend to be less interested in politics and that this difference increases further between the ages of 11 and 15. Pascal Alscher then presented results from the Study on the Development of Political and Social Competence in Adolescence (EPKO). These showed that an open classroom climate, cognitive activation, and discussing current political events can make an important contribution to students' political interest and knowledge. Afterwards, the plenary session discussed the content of the presentations as well as implications for research and practice.
Thank you for the insightful contributions and the lively discussion!