IFS Virtual Keynote Series focusses on the topic of AI in education
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Two internationally renowned researchers will present their current research on 22 January 2024, 3 to 5:30 pm, on the topic of "Challenges and Potentials of Artificial Intelligence in Education Research and in the Classroom". Professor Sanna Järvelä from the University of Oulu, Finland, will speak on the topic of "Advancing socially shared regulation in collaborative learning with AI", focusing on AI in educational research. Professor Phil Winne from Simon Fraser University, Canada, will talk about AI in the classroom context in his presentation "How can AI help self-regulated learners learn?". The aim of the VKS is to discuss the significance of artificial intelligence for learning and teaching as well as for educational research. In addition, various theoretical approaches and methodological approaches will be presented and different research findings on the main topics will be compiled.
You can register for the free of charge event here. We look forward to your participation and exchange!