New journal article published in Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
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The present study examined the relation between family background variables, motivational factors, and educational attainment (defined as obtaining the highest form of school-leaving certificate in Germany – the Abitur) among students who attended Gymnasium. A multifaceted concept of both family background variables (parental educational level, parental occupational status, and immigrant background) and motivational factors (expectation of success, value of education, effort, and performance-oriented motivation) was applied. Structural equation models were estimated using longitudinal data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS; N = 5409 students). The results showed that the relation between family background variables and obtaining an Abitur was smaller when motivational factors were included. The mediation model results suggest that focusing on breaking the link between parental education and students’ expectations for success would be helpful for reducing educational inequality.