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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

PhD training during the pandemic

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Foto von einem Vortrag mit PD Dr. Rolf Strietholt als Redner am Pult. © Privat​/​Rolf Strietholt

OCCAM stands for “Outcomes and Causal Inference in International Comparative Assessments” in educational research. In the past four years, OCCAM provides a structured, international, intersectoral, and interdisciplinary research and training environment for PhD students. The PhD students were trained by 9 host organizations across Europe and spend several short research stays and a 6-months-long secondment with another partner organizations.

During the first half of the training, there were two-week network-wide meetings in Dortmund, Cyprus and Gothenburg, as well as some joint conference participation. After that, the PhD students and their supervisors worked together to make the trainings and collaborations a virtual success. Despite the pandemic-related challenges, more than half of the PhD students have graduated and the other half are about to. The success is documented in a large and growing number of publications in international journals.

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