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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Professor Heppt spoke at the “Good School For All” education symposium

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Schriftzug "Fachtagung: Gute Schule für Alle" mit Titel des Input-Vortrages von Prof. Dr. Birgit Heppt und rechts ein Porträt der Wissenschaftlerin © Birgit Heppt

Prof. Dr. Birgit Heppt gave an input on the topic of language education at the “Good School for All” education conference in Berlin.

Professor Birgit Heppt gave an input presentation at the “Good School For All” education symposium October, the 10th. Reem Alabali-Radovan MdB, Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and Commissioner for Anti-Racism, and Christine Streichert-Clivot, Presidentof the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs invited speakers and participants to the symposium to discuss key issues and challenges for a good school of the future in times of change with experts from academia and practice, ministries and migrant self-organisations.

The conference kicked off with a keynote speech by educational sociologist Professor Aladin El-Mafaalani (TU Dortmund University) and then offered participants three parallel specialist forums with contributions on different topics: 1. Access and transitions in the school sector; in particular schooling of refugee children and teenager; educational equity, 2. Multilingualism/ Language support and 3. Promotion of a diverse school community/ Democracy education

IFS education researcher Professor Birgit Heppt was a speaker at the event in Berlin and gave an input presentation in the specialist forum ‘Multilingualism/Language Support’. She spoke about how teachers can best support their students to acquire the language skills needed for subject-specific learning. She also addressed necessary preconditions that have to be met in teacher training and professional development to prepare teachers for language-supportive teaching.

Many thanks for the exciting symposium and the stimulating exchange!