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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Registration open – 10th Dortmund Symposium on 04. July 2025

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Zwei Schulkinder stehen an einer digitalen Tafel mit einem Stift, daneben Logo und Titel des Symposium grün hinterlegt ©​/​DaniloAndjus
Register now: On July 4, the 10th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research will take place on the topic of “Education in Transition”.

On July 4, 2025, the Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS) will host the Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research for the tenth time, focusing on the topic of “Education in Transition: Between Technological Innovation and Social Responsibility”. This year, Professor Aladin El-Mafaalani from TU Dortmund University and Professor Michael Kerres from University Duisburg-Essen will give keynote speeches.

The education system is facing major social challenges that require a profound change in established educational practices within schools. In particular, technological progress and growing social heterogeneity are fundamentally changing the demands on teaching and didactics and at the same time opening up new opportunities for innovative teaching and learning processes.

The event will present and discuss theoretical perspectives and current research findings on the opportunities and challenges of the education system in the field of tension between technological innovations and social responsibility. Renowned experts will present current research work in various formats.

We are delighted to welcome high-profile researchers to Dortmund to discuss current research findings in an interdisciplinary format.

Register now for the conference: Conference website & registration