SPEAK project successfully completes first intervention phase
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Objective of the project launched in October 2022 "Shaping language education together with elementary school, families and educational professionals: What works?" (SPEAK) is the development, evaluation and distribution of digitally supported language support at the start of primary school. An important project milestone has been reached with the completion of the first intervention phase.
The participating school classes used the exercises developed by the IFS in lessons throughout the 2023/2024 school year. Once a week, the first-graders - equipped with tablets and headsets - worked on the digital vocabulary and grammar exercises. Some intervention classes were given additional language exercises to work on throughout the all day elementary school or at home.
The project team was able to gain valuable insights into the use of the exercises developed through discussions with the participating teachers. The post-test will now run until the summer vacations to check the learning gains of the intervention and control classes. In the coming school year, the intervention will then be carried out again in a revised form with a second cohort.
We would like to thank all participating teachers and educational specialists for their commitment!