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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Together for better education: Tuesdays for Education

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Foto von Grundschüler*innen und -schülern mit Laptops im Klassenraum ©​/​vgajic

Being able to read and process digitally transmitted information is increasingly considered indispensable for everyday life at home, at school and at work, as well as for social participation and lifelong learning. Against this background, the Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS) is investigating the question of how digital media are used in primary school lessons and has found that the frequency of use in Germany is still low in an international comparison – also differentiated according to various reading activities. The amount of time spent using digital media to search for and read information differs considerably between boys and girls. Significantly more boys read for more than 30 minutes a day or not at all, while there are significantly more girls in the category of users of up to 30 minutes. However, recent IGLU analyses on reading in online environments (ePIRLS) also show that pupils are predominantly good at reading, interpreting and critically reflecting on content in an environment that looks like the internet.

Further information can be found in the press release (German)  and in the short report (German).