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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Tuesdays for Education on June 11 on the topic of school transition

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Grundschüler*innen beim Schreiben im Klassenraum mit Bildunterschrift "Tuesdays for Education" ©​/​SDI Productions

When performance does not play the decisive role – Socio-economic status of the family and the class attended influence Gymnasium recommendation.

The transition from primary school to secondary school sets the course for future educational careers. In order to ensure equal opportunities and educational equity, social background should not play a role in secondary school recommendations. However, the special analysis of the PIRLS 2021 study shows that children from socio-economically disadvantaged families are only about half as likely to receive a recommendation for Gymnasium than children from socio-economically advantaged families. Even with equal performance, the probability is still significantly lower. Moreover, the probability of a Gymnasium recommendation increases for children from both groups if they attend a class with a higher average socio-economic status.

Further information can be found in the press release (German) and in the report (German).