7th Dortmund Symposium of Empirical Educational Research: Call for Papers
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In June, the IFS is hosting the Dortmund Symposium of Empirical Educational Research for the seventh time. This year's digital conference is dedicated to the topic "Evaluation of the education system: What insights do current school performance studies provide?". Young scientists who focus on the evaluation of the education system and/or who work with data from current school performance studies are cordially invited to present their research in the context of this event and to discuss it with renowned experts. There are two different formats for doctoral students and postdocs: In the moderated poster session, which will take place on June 22, up to 15 doctoral students can present their research in three minutes and then discuss it with the plenary. The Waxmann Verlag is offering a reward of 200 euros. During the main conference, up to four postdocs are to convince the experts of the topic, approach, and selected results of the presented research in five-minute spotlights.
All contributions must be submitted by April 8, 2022. For further information please refer to the Call for Papers (German).