IFS Lecture Series on "What's new in Educational Research? Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Research Projects in Empirical Educational Research"
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This summer semester, the IFS Lecture Series is dedicated to the topic "What's new in Educational Research? Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Research Projects in Empirical Educational Research". Each week, renowned international and national speakers are invited to present their research projects in plenary sessions. This is followed by a thematically appropriate lecture from the IFS to enhance pointing out new approaches and linking similarities in research in the subsequent discussion. The lecture series emphasizes diversity, which is reflected in the composition of the lectures; the topics range from digitization to serious educational games to analyses of the language of instruction in the teaching of German as a second language. Students and employees of TU Dortmund University are cordially invited to this lecture series, which will take place every Thursday from 14:15 to 15:45 in room 022 of the CDI building. We look forward to your participation!