IFS Virtual Keynote Series in January
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After the success of the first IFS Virtual Keynote Series in the summer semester 2021, the IFS continues the series with two more dates in January. Registration is now open! The IFS Virtual Keynote Series will focus on two topics that are of great importance for empirical educational research. Renowned international experts Prof. Roger Azevedo, PhD, Asst. Prof. Teya Rutherford, PhD, Prof. Judy Harackiewicz, PhD and Assoc. Prof. David Yeager, PhD have been invited to deliver keynotes: While Professor Azevedo and Asst. Professor Rutherford will address Innovations for Instructional Design on Jan. 24, Professor Harackiewicz and Assoc. Professor Yeager will focus on Interventions that Support Students' Academic Success on Jan. 31. Two 45-minute keynotes will be given per topic, followed by a discussion time with the plenary. The IFS Virtual Keynote Series will take place on both January 24, 2022 and January 31, 2022 between 3:15pm and 5:45pm. Attendance is free of charge.
Interested? Register now.