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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Successful habilitation lecture by Dr. Annika Ohle-Peters

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Foto von Dr. Annika Ohle-Peters mit Glückwünschen des IFS © IFS​/​TU Dortmund

As part of her habilitation procedure, Dr. Annika Ohle-Peters successfully gave her academic lecture “Opportunities and challenges of digital education”.

Dr. Annika Ohle-Peters successfully gave her academic lecture on “Opportunities and challenges of digital education” within the context of her habilitation procedure. She wrote her cumulative habilitation thesis on “The importance of teacher competencies and instruction for multi-criteria goal achievement”. After completing the habilitation procedure with the inaugural lecture, she will be awarded the Venia Legendi for the subject “Educational Science with a focus on Empirical Educational Research” – the IFS congratulates her warmly!