News at the IFS
Latest IFS research results presented at GEBF 2018
The IFS was represented again this year with numerous contributions at the conference of the Society for Empirical Research in Education (GEBF).…

Interview of Nele McElvany with WELT
Together with other experts of educational praxis, administration, and research Nele McElvany did an interview on the topic of benefits from coming…

Talk by Dr. Franziska Schwabe to the topic “reading and language competences in primary school”
At the invitation of Dr. Thomas Riecke-Baulecke, Director of the Institute for Quality Development at Schools in Schleswig-Holstein, Dr. Franziska…

Latest Volumes for the Dortmund Symposium of Empirical Educational Research and IFS- Education dialog published
Recently, the latest volumes of the third Dortmund Symposium of Empirical Educational Research and the second IFS Education Dialogue were published by…

New DFG-project at IFS
The new project “Effects and moderators of stereotype threat in vocabulary/language learning situations among primary and secondary school students of…

IFS-Research Report 2016 - 2017published
The development and the activities of the Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS) in 2016 – 2017 are presented in the IFS…

Symposium "Quality and learning effectiveness of all-day schools"
As part of a StEG-Lesen symposium, the topic of "Quality and learning effectiveness of all-day schools" was critically examined with multipliers from…

Results from PIRLS 2016 published
In 2016 Germany participated for the fourth time in the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS 2016). The results from PIRLS 2016…

IFS Advisory Board Meeting 2017
The Scientific Advisory Board of the Institute, consisting of Professor Horz, Professor Solga, Professor Gogolin, Professor Husfeldt and Professor…

Professor McElvany at WDR5 Funkhausgespräch
Reading, writing, arithmetic - cultural techniques in danger? Renowned representatives of science (Prof. McElvany), politics (State Secretary Richter,…

Guest: IFS Welcomes Adjunct Professor Heidi Harju-Luukkainen from UCLA
Professor Heidi Harju-Luukkainen (UCLA, USA) gave a public lecture on The Finnish Education System and International Assessments during her stay at…

Symposium "Quality and learning effectiveness of all-day schools" on 07.12.2017
The symposium is dedicated to the main topic of "Interventions and design options in the area of subject-related offers in all-day education". This…