Dr. Michael G. Männel
Academic background
- 07/2015: Doctorate in Sociology at the Department of Political and Social Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin.
- 04/2010: Magister Artium (M.A.) at the Free University of Berlin (major in Eastern European Studies, minors in Political Science and Sociology)
- 09/2006 – 05/2007: Studies at the State University of Kazan/Russia on a DAAD one-year scholarship
Professional background
- Since 10/2016: Scientific Manager at the Institute for School Development Research at TU Dortmund University.
- 12/2013 – 09/2016: Administrative assistant at the Technical University of Berlin
- 10/2010 – 08/2013: Interuniversity coordinator and head of department of the study preparation program "Brücke zum Studium" at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
- 08/2011 – 08/2013: Research assistant at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg in the study preparation program "Brücke zum Studium".
- 01/2007 – 04/2009: Project management "Structure and development of civil society organizations in Russia" (Structured survey of NGOs in eleven Russian regions)
- 05/2007 – 07/2007: Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation in the South Caucasus in Tbilisi, Georgia
Areas of responsibility & further Information
- Coordination of administration team & administrative matters
- Knowledge management
- Coordination of budget & personnel matters
- Strategy processes (administrative structures, personnel development, etc.)
- Controlling
- Room & archive management
- Participation in the design of the research and funding strategy
- Coordination of research data management & technical research assistance
- Monitoring and communication of calls for proposals
- Organisational support, participation in the design of overarching concepts and framework conditions as well as strategic editing of external funding applications
- Support for externally funded projects in overarching/strategic issues
- Organisational support for the Scientific Area of Expertise Research on Education and Schooling (incl. overall coordination of evaluation and on-site inspection of Masterplan 1.0)
- Acquisition of funding
- Co-application for funding from the Gesellschaft der Freunde der TU Dortmund e.V. for the Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research and the IFS Educational Dialogue
- DAAD annual scholarship
- DAAD Summer School funding
- Responsible scientific planing, coordination and moderation of IFS-internal committees and event formats (e.g. Institute Assembly, Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Doctoral Conference)
- Support for appointment committees
- Committee membership
- Department Council of the Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology (since 2020 representation of employees in technology and administration [2018-2020 deputy member])
- Teaching Working Group of the FDepartment of Educational Sciences and Psychology (2021 and 2025)
- Research Working Group of the Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology (2021)
- Research strategy of TU Dortmund University – workshop on excellent research (2023–2024)
Further commitment
- Co-speakership of the Science Management Network – Ruhr Regional Group (since 2023)
- Conception and implementation of communication strategy
- Coordination of website & social media channels
- Coordination of press enquiries & press reviews
- Writing press releases
- Conception & coordination of IFS research reports
- Support for the publication of IFS edited volumes
- Special projects such as the IFS 50th anniversary brochure
- Planning, organisation and implementation of the events Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research, IFS Educational Dialogue, IFS Virtual Keynote Series, Open Day
- Development of event formats
- Teaching coordination for the complete IFS
- Development of study programmes
- Support and coordination of adjustments, e.g. in module handbooks or in the context of reaccreditations
Concept & Editing
- Forschungsbericht Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, TU Dortmund 2022–2023 (2024), 187 Seiten
- Jubiläumsbroschüre „50 Jahre Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung – Forschung, Entwicklung, Transfer“ (2023), 64 Seiten, mit Katharina Märkle
- Forschungsbericht Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, TU Dortmund 2020–2021 (2022), 157 Seiten
- Forschungsbericht Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, TU Dortmund 2017–2019 (2020), 172 Seiten, mit Dr. Franziska Schwabe und Rahim Schaufelberger
- Forschungsbericht Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, TU Dortmund 2016–2017 (2017), 130 Seiten, mit Dr. Franziska Schwabe
Since 2006 annual conflict analyses for the Conflict Barometer of the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (selection)
- Männel, M. (2024). Peru (Opposition). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2023 (S. 118–119). Heidelberg
- Männel, M. (2023). Peru (Opposition). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2022 (S. 116–117). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2023). Peru (Shining Path). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2022 (S. 117). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2022). Peru (Opposition). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2021 (S. 121–122). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2022). Peru (Shining Path). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2021 (S. 122). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2021). Peru (Opposition). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2020 (S. 131). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2021). Peru (Shining Path). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2020 (S. 131–132). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2020). Peru (Opposition). In Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (Hrsg.), Conflict Barometer 2019 (S. 115–116). Heidelberg.
- Männel, M. (2015). Intellektuellen-Weltbilder und postkommunistische Transformation: China und Russland in vergleichender Perspektive. Berlin: Logos.
Articles / Conference papers
- König, C. & Männel, M. (2009). Struktur und Entwicklung zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen in Russland am Ende der Putinzeit. In Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (Hrsg.), Russlandanalysen Nr. 181 (S. 3–10).
- Männel, M. (2009). Zivilgesellschaftliche Strukturen Russlands zwischen westlichen Theorien und russischem politischem Denken. In Forschungsstelle Osteuropa (Hrsg.), Das Ende des postsozialistischen Raums? (Ent-)Regionalisierung in Osteuropa (S. 85–89).
- Männel, M. (2006). Russlands Dritter Sektor in Zahlen. In Maecenata Actuell Nr. 57 (S. 19–20).
- Design Thinker certificate (2022)
- Agile project management with Scrum, Kanban & Co. (2021)
- University certificate in business administration and management (2016)