Call for Papers
The Center for Research on Education and School Development (IFS) at the TU Dortmund University is organizing the 10th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research on July 3 and 4, 2024. This year’s conference is dedicated to the topic „Education in transition: between technological innovation and social responsibility“. The education system is increasingly facing major social challenges that require a profound change in established educational practices within schools. In particular, technological progress and growing social heterogeneity are fundamentally changing the demands on teaching and didactics, while at the same time opening up new opportunities for innovative teaching and learning processes. Young researchers (doctoral candidates and postdocs) who are conducting research on the conference topic are cordially invited to present their research work in poster format in the context of this event and to discuss it with recognised experts.
On July 3, 2025 starting at 3 p.m., the early career researcher conference will take place as part of the 9th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research, at which selected doctoral researchers can present their research work in a moderated poster presentation in about three minutes and then discuss it with the plenum. On July 4, 2024 at the main conference, the poster contributions of the doctoral researchers will be exhibited and the participants can vote for the best poster.
Two poster prizes of 100 euros, donated by Waxmann Verlag, will be awarded. The presence of the poster presenters on both days is nessesary for participation.
Start: 03.07.2025, 03:00 p.m.
End: 03.07.2025, 17:45 p.m.
Event location:
CDI-Gebäude, Raum 0.22/0.23
Vogelpothsweg 78
44227 Dortmund
Information on submitting contributions
All contributions must be submitted by April 18, 2024. The result of the selection will be reported back by April 25, 2025.
The submission have to include an Abstract (max. 1.000 Words) with (a) theoretical background, (b) issue, (c) method, (d) (expected) results, (e) discussion and (f) literature.
For accepted contributions, registration for the conference must be submitted by May 9, 2025.
The participation fee is 89,00 €. Further information on registration and the program can be found here.
We look forward to your submission!