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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Digital con­fe­rence program – June 24th, 2021

6th Dortmund Symposium on Empirical Educational Research „Optimizing School Educational Processes – What works?“

Publication volume of the con­fe­rence

Cover des Herausgeberwerks 6. Dort­mun­der Symposium der Empirischen Bil­dungs­for­schung: „Optimierung schulischer Bildungsprozesse – What works? “ © Waxmann

An edited volume has been published for the con­fe­rence, more in­for­mation can be found here.


Time Program

Opening of the conference

Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany (Executive Director of the IFS)

Welcoming speeches

Prof. Dr. Sabine Hornberg (Dean of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Educational Research)
MinDirig. Dr. Stefan Luther (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)

Plenary lecture: Optimizing school educational processes - What works?

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Trautwein (Eberhard Karls University Tübingen)

Brief commentaries from the perspectives of educational sociology, and teaching methodology

Prof. Dr. Mirjam Steffensky (University Hamburg)
Prof. Dr. Isabell van Ackeren (University Duisburg-Essen)

and plenary discussion
12:30 Lunch break and Poster exhibition by junior researchers
13:30 Poster award donated by Waxmann Publishing Co.

Spotlights by junior researchers

Dr. Julia Frohn (Humboldt-University Berlin and Goethe-University Frankfurt)
with commentaries by
Prof. Dr. Silke Hertel (Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg)

Maximilian Knogler (TU Munich)
with commentaries by
Prof. Dr. Alexander Kauertz (University Koblenz-Landau)

Dr. Sebastian Röhl (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg)
with commentaries by
Prof. Dr. Marcus Hasselhorn (DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education)

Nadine Sonnenburg (TU Dortmund University)
with commentaries by
Prof. Dr. Cordula Artelt (LIfBi - Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories)

Hot Topic Study: Fachintegrierte Leseförderung Bayern (FiLBY)

Prof. Dr. Anita Schilcher (University Regensburg)

and plenary discussion
15:00 Coffee break

Topic statement: Making the results of intervention research useful for science and practice

Prof. Dr. Elmar Souvignier (Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster)

and plenary discussion

Controversial Statements: "Potentials and limits: Laboratory vs. field research"

Focus field research Prof. Dr. Harm Kuper (Freie Universität Berlin)

Fokus laboratory research Prof. Dr. Claudia von Aufschnaiter (Justus-Liebig-University Gießen)

and plenary discussion

Podium and “Ask the Expert” with all con­fe­rence experts


Closing Ceremony