Conference program – July 4, 2025
Time | Program |
10:30 | Opening of the conferenceProf. Dr. Nele McElvany (Executive director of the IFS)Welcoming speechProf. Dr. Manfred Bayer (President of the TU Dortmund University) |
11:00 | Keynote: „Focus on social responsibility in education“Prof. Dr. Aladin El-Mafaalani (TU Dortmund University)Commented by Prof. Dr. Hanna Dumont (University Potsdam) |
11:50 | Poster exhibitionPoster exhibition of early career researchers and selection of the best posters |
12:35 | Break |
13:10 | Poster awards donated by Waxmann Verlag |
13:15 | Keynote: „Focus on technological innovation in education“Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel (Ruhr-University Bochum) |
14:05 | Spotlight & CommentariesDr. Livia Kuklick (Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education) |
14:25 | Break |
14:40 | Presentation and discussion of a central, current studySchule: Digital - Demokratisch (SchuDiDe) |
15:05 | „Ask the Expert“ - plenary discussion with all speakers |
15:45 | Closing |