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Department of Educational Sciences and Psychology
Main conference program – September 27th, 2018

3rd IFS-Education Dialogue „Teacher Education – Potentials and Challenges in the three Phases“

Publication volume of the con­fe­rence

Weißes Buchcover mit Abbildung einer Lehrkraft mit Tafel im Hintergrund und schwarzen Schriftzug Lehrerbildung - Potentiale und Herausforderungen in den drei Phasen © Waxmann

An edited volume has been published for the con­fe­rence, more in­for­mation can be found here.


Time Program


Prof. Dr. Nele McElvany (Executive Director of the IFS, TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity)
Prof. Dr. Insa Melle (Prorector Academic Affairs, TU Dortmund University)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Goll (Dean of the Fakulty 12, TU Dortmund University)

OVERVIEW LECTURE Teacher Education – An Overview

Teacher knowledge and its acquisition – What does a teacher need to know and where does she learn it?
Prof. Dr. Thamar Voss (University Freiburg)

Plenary discussion

FOCUS TOPIC Practical components in the first two phases of teacher education

Empirical findings on the effects of practical phases
Prof. Dr. Johannes König (University of Cologne)

Praktische Anteile in der Lehrerbildung
Dr. Thomas Kratzert (Center for Practical Teacher Training Dortmund)

Plenary discussion
12:45 Lunch break

STATEMENT Career entry into the teaching profession

How lateral entry can succeed - A practical example
Ulf Matysiak (Teach First Deutschland)

Plenary discussion

FOCUS TOPIC Continuing education in the teaching profession

Elements of successful continuing education
Prof. Dr. Dirk Richter (University Potsdam)

Successful concepts of continuing education for teachers
Dr. Steffi Missal (LISUM Berlin und Deutscher Verein zur Förderung von Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerfortbildung e.V.)

Plenary discussion

PANEL DISCUSSION The future of teacher education

Prof. Dr. Stephan Hußmann (TU Dortmund University) / Dr. Fridtjof Filmer (Representative of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs) / Jürgen Wesche (Principal)

Plenary discussion