Schule digital - der Länderindikator
The project Schule digital – der Länderindikator is an in-depth state comparison study of the use of digital media in the German school system. Included in the study is a yearly teachers’ survey with a different thematic focus each year.
Project description
The project Schule digital – der Länderindikator examines the significance of learning with and about digital media in the German school system. This specific educational monitoring of digital media use in the classroom is the first of its kind in Germany. The three-year project collects continual information about the integration and use of digital media in lower secondary schools along with information about varying thematic areas of focus within media education.
Annual teacher surveys allowing for a nation-wide state comparison are conducted for each area of focus, providing deeper insights into the use of digital media in teaching and learning situations. To illustrate key developments in the field of digital education, exemplary “Good Practice” state reports portraying digital initiatives and developments in the educational context and comprising interviews with key players within the field are produced.
Sustainability and quality assurance are achieved by incorporating the expertise of researchers in the field of digital media in the design of questionnaires and in the production of the state reports.
Further information
Lead researcher at IFS
Project management
- PD Dr. Ramona Lorenz
Project team
- Manuela Endberg, M.A.