News at the IFS
Continuation and expansion of international cooperation with CRESST in the US
In a third stay by Professor McElvany as Visiting Researcher at the University of California's National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards…

Chancenspiegel - On equal opportunities and efficiency of the german school systems
As a tool for monitoring school systems that is based on data and focused on equal opportunities, the Chancenspiegel draws the attention of scholars…

TIMSS 2015 results published
In 2015, Germany took part in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2015) for the third time. Prof. Dr. Wilfried Bos at the…

Länderindikator 2016 has been published
The representative study Länderindikator 2016 provides the second cycle of findings on media education in the German school system. This educational…

1st IFS educational dialog encouraged interdisciplinary exchange
"Arriving in schools - opportunities and challenges in the integration of children and young people with refugee experience" - this was the topic on…

All All-Day Schools Are Not the Same
German all-day schools (Ganztagsschulen) offer a comprehensive array of educational programs, but are not based on uniform standards and are…