Lehrer-H - Approaches of Student Teachers Working in Heterogeneous Classrooms
The study focuses on the attitudes and motivation of prospective teachers in terms of managing cultural, social, and performance heterogeneity in the classroom. Approaches are divided into cognitive, affective and behavioral components, and are understood as belonging to a teacher’s professional competence.

The study focuses on the attitudes and motivation of prospective teachers in terms of managing cultural, social, and performance heterogeneity in the classroom. Within research literature it is commonly understood that a teacher’s professional ability to contend with both occupational routine and quality of teaching is crucial.
Aspects such as professional expertise and knowledge, and pedagogical knowledge are acquired during university teacher training. According to Weinertschen competency model other aspects of professional competence are beliefs, attitudes, and motivational capabilities.
Concretely, Teacher-H looks at the attitudes and motivation student teachers have during their university education in terms of teaching in classrooms with cultural, social, and performance heterogeneity. In this effort, the extent to which different attitudes and motivational characteristics can be empirically distinguished within the three heterogeneity constructs, and the extent to which individual attitudes and motivation can be differentiated, are investigated. This is followed by an in-depth analysis of attitudes and motivational characteristics that can predict classroom behavior. Within the framework of theories of attitudes, cognitive attitude components (perceived usefulness and costs of having heterogeneous classrooms) and affective attitude components (negative emotions towards teaching in heterogeneous classrooms) are differentiated, and motivational components (intrinsic motivation to teach heterogeneous classrooms, expected success) are investigated.