Learning and Assessment in the digital age
The project LL digital addresses the effects of digital media on the reading competences of elementary school students in learning situations and assessment.

Digital media offer both opportunities and challenges in education. The project LL digital investigates how the use of digital media can influence reading competence of elementary school students. The project combines qualitative and quantitative methods. An interview study is used to investigate how digital media are integrated into learning situations and what effects this has on elementary school students in the domain of reading in the perceptions of teachers.

Furthermore, the effects of different digital test formats on the reading competence of the students will be investigated. Tests with a fixed question order on paper and on the computer and tests with a skill-adjusted (adaptive) question order are used. Differences between these three test formats are examined in terms of test performance, test motivation, and test anxiety, taking into account background variables such as computer familiarity, reading motivation, and socioeconomic status. Causes of differences between test formats that can be attributed to cognitive or meta-cognitive differences will also be considered.
The goal of the project is to achieve a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges that digital media bring to the field of reading in elementary school.