News at the IFS
January 31: IFS Virtual Keynote Series on “Interventions that Support Students' Academic Success”
On January 31, we welcome Professor Judy Harackiewicz and Assoc. Professor David Yeager as speakers at the IFS Virtual Keynote Series.
IFS Virtual Keynote Series on “Innovations for Instructional Design“: Positive resonance
Professor Roger Azevedo and Asst. Professor Teya Rutherford as guest speakers at the IFS Virtual Keynote Series.
Young scientists at the IFS – PhD conference
On January 19, the doctoral conference of the IFS took place.
January 24: IFS Virtual Keynote Series on “Innovations for Instructional Design”
On January 24, we welcome Professor Roger Azevedo and Asst. Professor Teya Rutherford as speakers at the IFS Virtual Keynote Series.
New journal article in Journal of Educational Psychology published
The article examines how class-average achievement is related to students’ achievement development across one school year.
Congratulations: Nele McElvany confirmed as Executive Director of the IFS
Nele McElvany was re-elected to her position as Executive Director at the IFS Board meeting on January 13.
IFS Virtual Keynote Series in January
Registration for the IFS Virtual Keynote Series is now open.
Thanks for engagement in December surveys
The IFS thanks everyone for engagement in ongoing and recently completed surveys.
Interdisciplinary profile area FAIR starts work
Profile area FAIR brings together different disciplines to develop innovative methods of data analysis.
New journal article in Diagnostica published
The article deals with the construction and calibration of a text comprehension item pool for a computer adaptive test (CAT) in elementary school.
New journal article in Assessment in Education: Principles Policy & Practice published
Can children answer consistently to positively and negatively worded items?
Chantal Lepper defends dissertation
Chantal Lepper successfully completes doctorate with disputation.