News at the IFS
LL digital project has started
Since November 2019, Ramona Lorenz and her team engage in the project Learning and Assessment in the Digital Age (short: LL Digital). They study if…

Turkish schools in Germany: Nele McElvany talks to Deutsche Welle
Erdogan’s plan to open three Turkish schools in Germany sparked a debate over the schools' role in increasing Turkish President Erdogan's political…

IFS research report 2017-2019 published
What scientific developments and activities have taken place at the IFS in the last three years? The new research report provides a compact overview…

PISA: Primary schools lay the groundwork for reading competencies
Reading is a necessary qualification for educational success and social participation. For that reason, the focus of the PISA study 2018 has been…

Dr. Michael Becker accepts call for professorship at the IFS
Dr. Michael Becker from DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education has accepted the call for a professorship at the IFS.…

Encourage and support: New research findings on the potential of all-day schools
The importance of all-day school as a reliable childcare option for families is widely recognized. But how can all-day provision also support pupils…

Short clip: Doing research on teaching competencies at the IFS
In its new clip, the IFS zooms in on its research area education and teacher competencies. How should a good reading or math lesson look like? Which…

Development of all-day schools - What we can learn from 15 years of research
Since 2005 the “Study on the development of All-day Schools” analyzed the quantitative and qualitative development of all-day education and support.…

IFS at ICSEI 2019 in Stavanger (Norway)
At the ICSEI 2019 in Stavanger, Norway, Prof. Dr. Heinz Günter Holtappels, Lisa Brücher and Karin Lossen, in collaboration with international…

Professor Aileen Edele presents research program
In view of the fact that in Germany, every third student in grade nine has a migration background, Professor Aileen Edele’s research focuses on…

Assessments of the IQB education trend 2018
The IQB Education Trend 2018 shows a mixed picture, indicating stability on the one hand, but also rather unfavorable changes in performance in…

Start of project "GemeinsamGanztag"
“GemeinsamGANZTAG”, a regional network for language education in all-day school and a project of the RAG-Stiftung and the IfS in cooperation with the…